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Juniors in October


As from Wednesday 5th October the Juniors' sessions will start at 5:40 pm to enable us to make best use of the hall facilities and the light.

We recognise that the earlier start may cause some parents some issues, but the first 15 minutes is the warm-up so if your child does arrive a little late it's not a disaster.

The sessions will last about 45 minutes, comprising 15 minutes warm-up in the hall, then two fifteen minute units. This will require us to split the group into two sub-groups: half will stay inside the hall doing technique, strength and fitness developing activities, for the first fifteen minutes' unit. the other half will go outside and do a running and fitness session, also for 15 minutes. At the end of the fifteen minutes, the groups will swap. This may have implications to footwear when w get the wetter weather. More on that nearer the time.

In the meantime, we're still at Kingshill on Wednesdays for September, starting at 6 and finishing at 6:45. See you there and then.

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