Hello all,
As the number of Juniors and Teens Groups members continue to increase, and demand shows no sign of slowing (now over 35 on the Waitlist), we have taken some steps to increase our capability to coach more children in Athletics during the winter.
Firstly, and thanks to those who have agreed to help, we have increased the number of parents helping deliver the sessions.
Secondly, we have agreed to hire two halls from October, so that we can deliver quality sessions for up to 100 children (Juniors and Teens total) each Wednesday evening. In addition to the Kingshill Sports Hall, we have hired the school hall at the adjacent Watermoor School. This does mean that children will be going to different halls from time to time. To avoid logistics issues for parents we will group children such that siblings are at the same venue. Unfortunately, we do not currently have use of the access gate between the two schools, which would make life a lot easier, but we’ll see what can be done about that.
The sessions will run at the same time (5:40 start for the Juniors, and 6:30 for the Teens groups) and have the same structure as previous years. Your child will be allocated to a group and that group should not change venues more frequently than monthly. There will be a subtle difference in the focus of the activities in each hall, due to practical constraints, but we will only change the sessions content every two months, so every child will get the same programme*. The groups will be named and where they will be training and so where parents need to drop off and pick up will be communicated on the Clubs News Feed and in the WhatsApp Groups: either Kingshill or Watermoor School.
More detailed information will be provided in the coming weeks.
Head of Coaching
* NB There will always be some differentiation in the activities: their nature and challenge level, so that they are suitable for the child’s stage of development and capability.