Ollie Campbell seems to be hitting the headlines on a very regular basis just lately and his club record breaking streak continued on Sunday with an outstanding performance in Berlin, his debut marathon. Take a look at his results for a brilliant example of even splits, every 5k run in almost the same time. He shares some thoughts on his memorable experience.
"After arriving at the expo the day before, I was shocked to find I had been put in the back pen because I couldn't prove a fast enough marathon time as it was my first one. However, my wave was half an hour after the one before so the queues for the toilets were small!”
“First couple of kilometres were completely open roads and I loved it, but from 5km onwards I was ducking and diving and running along the pavements to pass people. I'm sure I saw about 10 4-hour pacers throughout the race. Although I never managed to find an even rhythm, I kept a fairly consistent pace. Really enjoyed the atmosphere as there were supporters the whole way round. Definitely would recommend but I have no intention of doing another marathon!"

What a great achievement by Ollie and very special to be part of the day when a new world record was set. His own new club Under 20 record takes over from Chris Illman’s long standing 3:27:56.
25th September Berlin Marathon, 26.2 miles – road
1 Eliud Kipchoge 2:01:09 – new world record
698 Ollie Campbell (Cirencester AC) 2:44:26 – new club U20 record
Approx 45000 finished
Meanwhile, in Bristol, runners had a choice of 10k or half marathon distance at the Great Run event.
The 10k run incorporated the England Masters event, where those who ran the top qualifying times for their respective age groups in selected races earlier in the year competed.
Our own Ruth Fulford proudly wore her England vest having qualified in the FV70 age group with her run at Bourton 10k way back in February.
“It was a perfect morning in Bristol for running the 10k which was well organised.Being part of the England Athletic team made the whole experience very special. There were over 180 of us and we each had back number denoting our age category.” “EA had their own gazebo and organised a team photo well before the race start, allowing us plenty of time to warm up. We met again at 9.20 to be taken to our starting area immediately behind the elite runners, it is strange starting near the front of the race and then being overtaken throughout the whole race!” “I finished in 59.35 and was happy to be under the hour and back to the EA area in time for the prize giving. The first lady in my category finished in 50.35 which I find quite amazing. A very enjoyable morning and wonderful meeting up with so many ladies in my age category and older.”
Congratulations to Ruth who approaches a special birthday and will no doubt continue to impress in her new age group.
25th September, Great Run Bristol 10k, 10k - road
1 Tom Merson (Exmouth Harriers AAC) 30.51
2544 Ruth Fulford (Cirencester AC) 59.32
In the half marathon event David Phelps and Nick Wall represented Cirencester. David finished in 1:53:24 and Nick in 1:54:08.
Nick enjoyed the well organised day although found the slightly warmer than expected conditions made it a tricky run for many. There was an extra bit of uphill in the route for good measure too. He was rightly pleased with 9th position of 50 runners in his age group.
25th September, Great Run Bristol Half Marathon, 13.1 miles – road
1 Jacob Brockmann (Thames Hare and Hounds) 1:10:40
2064 David Phelps (Cirencester AC) 1:53:24
2174 Nick Wall 1:54:08
Also wearing national colours this weekend to race in an age group event was triathlon specialist Kate Sackett. After working her way through injury, Kate wore her well earned GB kit to race at the Europe Middle Distance Triathlon Championships in Bilbao on Saturday.
Kate says, “I started training for this event two years ago but it was cancelled twice and also changed location. I was surprised at the late start time, 3.05pm (due to the tides as we swam in the river estuary) and horrified by the strict cut offs which made me doubt whether I would finish. At the last minute the bike route was shortened to about 50 miles and the run cut off extended as us oldies were last to race.”

“Bilbao is a beautiful city. We swam past the Guggenheim and ran under its huge spider sculpture. The ride was hilly but fast on closed roads and the experience of being a GBer was wonderful. Thrilled to complete given my poor running this year.”
24h September, 2022 Europe Triathlon Middle Distance Championships, Bilbao
Swim 1.9 km, Bike 82.5km, Run 21km
Age Category Female 60-64
1 Kerstin Mogull (Sweden) 5:10:17 (Swim 36.05, Bike 2:41:42, Run 1:42:30)
5 Kate Sackett (Great Britain) 6:17:36 (Swim 47.20, Bike 3:16:07, Run 2:00:17)
In parkrun news this week Tom Purnell triumphed at Lydiard. David Wright was 2nd MV65 at Moors Valley. Ian Barrett was 4th overall and 1st MV50 in a large field at Newbury. Gordon Jones went well at Stonehouse and Rachel McAdam was close on Alans heels at Tetbury this week.
24th September, parkrun, 5k – trail
Lydiard parkrun
1 Tom Purnell (Cirencester AC) 18.05
327 finished
Moors Valley parkrun
1 Oz Ellis (Unattached) 18.03
32 David Wright (Cirencester AC) 21.18
392 finished
Newbury parkrun
1 Sam Pitcher (Unattached) 17.57
4 Ian Barrett (Cirencester AC) 18.32
318 finished
Stonehouse parkrun
1 Steven Price (Unattached) 19.30
14 Gordon Jones (Cirencester AC) 25.22
42 finished
Tetbury Goods Shed parkrun
1 Robert Deller (Unattached) 18.13
29 Alan McAdam (Cirencester AC) 25.20
31 Rachel McAdam 25.48
88 finished
Next weeks news will be delayed and added to a double report the following week. so do send any stories and photos to Rachel at rachelelisabethbarrow@hotmail.co.uk in readiness