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Like fine wine - still improving?

Stalwart CRO runners found themselves running their 6th CRO 5 km last week so making it ever harder to continue improving but the seven with handicap scores above 100% managed just that. This week it was Rupert Chesmore’s turn to top the list with 115% but James Widdowson and Kate Sackett both achieved over 104% and Ian Barrett fought his way back to the top of the gun time list with 18.57 and a handicap score of 103%. Brian Harris held onto his usual gun time 2nd place slot but the Chudleys grabbed the next two with Sophie beating Alex by 17 seconds. Isobel Watt came next with a slight improvement to be followed by Kate, James and Rachel Ranger. Martin Croucher then led a group who were so close to 100% they should be happy and we understand that Rachel Barrow (with 95%) is now focused on preparing for the Half Marathon in 5 weeks time (see below). Meanwhile there was little change in the age grading with Kate again proving her super ability at the top.

The Cotswold Way Relay event continues with more results in over the weekend and several club members grabbing the opportunity for company and lift sharing by running their legs in pairs.

Next week CRO runners get a chance to stretch their legs with a third 10 k run and the challenge for new CRO runners is just to have a go – on any surface - and for the regulars it is, of course, to score over 100% in the handicap calculations! All results to .

CRO run plans for the next few weeks are:

Week beginning: July 20th 10 kms

July 27th 5 kms

August 3rd 1 mile

August 10th 5 kms

August 17th 5 kms

August 24th Half Marathon (13.1 mile/21 km) OR 10 kms.

Week Ending July 19th, Cirencester Runs On (CRO), 5k any surface


1 Ian Barrett 18.57

2 Brian Harris 19.59

3 Sophie Chudley 20.23

4 Alex Chudley 20.40

5 Isobel Watt 21.17

6 Kate Sackett 22.03

7 James Widdowson 23.09

8 Rachel Ranger 23.30

9 Rupert Chesmore 24.20

10 Martin Croucher 26.51

11 Rachel Barrow 27.12

12 Liza Darroch 27.28

13 Ruth Fulford 28.46

14 Louise Abbott 31.04

15 Paul Barrow 32.58

16 Pam Wheeler 33.27


1 Kate Sackett 86.99%

2 Liza Darroch 84.75%

3 Ruth Fulford 80.92%

4 Brian Harris 77.23%

5 Ian Barrett 75.59%

6 Sophie Chudley 75.58%

7 Isobel Watt 73.16%

8 Alex Chudley 70.44%

9 Rachel Ranger 69.42%

10 Rupert Chesmore 65.69%

11 Louise Abbott 64.59%

12 Rachel Barrow 63.13%

13 Pam Wheeler 60.92%

14 James Widdowson 60.43%

15 Paul Barrow 53.70%

16 Martin Croucher 51.70%


To work out the handicap score, your last 5k run has been used. Your original time divided by your new time has produced a percentage. Any percentage higher than 100, means you have run quicker this week. For people whom this run is their first 5k performance, I have simply given them 100.

1 Rupert Chesmore 116.85

2 James Widdowson 104.76

3 Kate Sackett 104.24

4 Liza Darroch 103.52

5 Ian Barrett 103.17

6 Isobel Watt 101.96

7 Rachel Ranger 101.49

8 Alex Chudley 100

9 Martin Croucher 99.94

10 Louise Abbott 99.68

11 Brian Harris 99.67

12 Sophie Chudley 98.94

13 Pam Wheeler 98.51

14 Ruth Fulford 98.27

15 Paul Barrow 97.88

16 Rachel Barrow 95.72

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