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Storm Freya, endless rain and lots of running

Imber Ultra, Westbury, 33 miles trail

Howard Ewan raced his way to a top ten place in the Imber Ultra 33. He had to contend with the strength of storm Freya as the runners battled their way up and down isolated areas of the Salisbury Plain and Rob Forbes course record set in 2016 was safe. But, but with consistent pacing, this was fine return to distance running from Howard who has been plagued with injury for some time.

1 Ed Knudsen (Avon Valley Runners) 4.03.17

9 Howard Ewan (Cirencester AC) 4.50.30

114 finished.

Newport Half Marathon 13 miles road

Tim Ingham joined nearly 3000 to run a wet and windy half marathon in Newport. Tim, still suffering with foot issues, was pleased with his run but confirmed that the second half was tough.

1 Chris Carpanini (Micky Morris Racing Team) 1.08.18

228 Tim Ingham (Cirencester AC) 01.37.38

2830 finished

parkruns, 5km trail

We went truly international this week with David Lattimore in France, Nina Lawrence (running really well) in Germany and Thomas McNally in Singapore. Nearer home Ollie Campbell continued to shine coming 3rd in Chippenham and Ian Barrett was 2nd at Cirencester but his time, some 90

seconds slower than his PB, suggests he lacked competition at the front. Runs of the week to two relative newcomers who seem to be benefiting from training, Brendan McCarthy knocked a resounding 60 seconds from his PB and Chris Prevett took some 30 seconds from his. Swindon remains a popular venue with the McAdams attacking their times, Simon Campbell returning to pushing a buggy and Barbara Thomas running her 13th race of this year in her bid to achieve 100 over the year as she has for the last two years.

Cirencester AC finishers:

Cirencester: 2 Ian Barrett 19.05, 21 Neil Morrissey 22.28, 24 James Widdowson 22.43, 47 Rob Jones 25.34, 58 Gary Wood 26.09, 60 Brendan McCarthy 26.18, 219 finished

Swindon: 171 Alan McAdam 24.41, 172 Chris Prevett 24.42, 237 Rachel McAdam 26.25, 282 Barbara Thomas 27.55, 324 David Moss 28.57, 445 Simon Campbell 32.51, 637 finished

Chippenham: 3 Ollie Campbell (J) 17.57, 190 finished

Thornbury: 48 Ruth Fulford 30.57, 70 finished Toulouse, France: 13 David Lattimore 30.21, 23 finished

East Coast, Singapore: 76 Thomas McNally 31.43, 94 finished

Georgengarten, Hannover, Germany: 55 Nina Lawrence 31.33, 79 finished

For race success train, check the route and have fun, as we did when preparing for the Stroud Trail marathon in the rain

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