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Open Track Meeting for adults and children

On Bank Holiday 6th May, there's the Cheltenham Harriers' "Brewer Memorial Games", at Gloucester AC's Blackridge Jubilee Track, Podsmead.

NB The Prince of Wales track is still not 'suitable' for adult races, but is being used for the children's "Low Key" events.

As you can see from the image, there are events for children under 11 through to "master" athletes, like me! I would encourage all members to have a go, as you'll not run faster than on the track, as James Widdowson's recent 1-mile PB demonstrates.

There are both Under-11s and Under-13s "Quadkids" events where children can do four events: one sprint, one more endurance, a howler through and the long jump, so if there are any budding Katarina Johnson-Thompsons, here's your chance.

All the track races are "graded" so you get to race against others of a similar standard and not some 20-year-old, budding Olympian, unless that is your standard?!

Link to entry form : here

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