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CRO Week 9


Welcome to the 9th week of CRO running when we have a total 7 club members who have run every single one. So if you haven’t indulged already or have joined us more recently – let’s make Week 10 – this coming week - a big one. Run five miles for and with the club – choose your own route, record your time and email it (by 3 pm Sunday 31st) to

If you are wondering WHY you should bother – here are some thoughts from other CRO runners. Firstly Ian Barrett who not only has run every single run but also has won the last five.

“I’m just grateful that the club is able to maintain the feeling of being a club even when we can’t meet. I like to push myself on a harder run once a week and as that can’t be at the club session, the weekly challenges are a good proxy. The variety adds another dimension, or I would probably just be doing the same thing every week. The weather has helped, the great countryside we have around here helps, and as I’m working from home it is important to have a reason to get out and about.

Plus, I don’t like to say no to a challenge!”

Secondly Martin Croucher explains it from a coach’s point of view – although he would be the first to admit that he doesn’t use the CRO for his “hard session”

For me, I run one hard session a week and that's it. But when I run that session, I try and make sure I am fully committed and not running half hearted. The aim of the harder sessions is to try and push your heart rate into and above your anaerobic capacity, at least for some of the session. That way, your heart can become stronger and more efficient at pumping blood to your muscles at lower intensities, thus making runs easier and ultimately quicker. Hard sessions should be hard and easy sessions should be easy.

As for this week’s results – Ian won again with 18.01so smashing an amazing 66 seconds from his previous CRO PB – hence his 106.11% handicapped score but even this was beaten by Gordon Jones whose 23.25 took 80 seconds from his last. Both probably demonstrating Martin’s approach – take most of your running easy, do not over train or get over tired then you have everything to give to the “race”. Also improving were Andy kilby (38 seconds) and Louise Abbott (45 seconds). While both Kate Sackett and Liza Darroch, managed to maintain their places with comfortably over 80% in the age graded results and a welcome to Rachel Jones running her first CRO this week.

Finally 4 members opted for the fun option this week by running a “Ross Barkley” 5Km when they were allowed to stop and recover at any point and then simply add all the fast sections together. This way Brian Harris and Dorian Matts both managed to run 5k sub 20 minutes. Ruth Fulford pulled her “parkrun” time down by minutes by running a series of 1 km efforts on a treadmill and Paul Barrow also went at it to complete in 28.37.

So next week we are back to 5 miles or 2 km and thereafter:

1st June an opportunity to go off road or have a go at any distance over 10 k you fancy maybe doing 26.2 miles (but only if you feel suitably prepared) otherwise a CRO rest. If you do run and want the time recorded – just email distance and time in as usual.

8th June 1 mile

Hope everyone is keeping well, looking forward to a time when we can run side by side again and our repeated thanks to Martin C who collates our results every week.

Week Ending May 24th, Cirencester Runs On (CRO), 5k any surface


1 Ian Barrett 18.01

2 Kate Sackett 22.28

3 Gordon Jones 23.25

4 Rupert Chesmore 23.39

5 Andy Kilby 24.43

6 Rachel Barrow 26.03

7 Martin Croucher 27.18

8 Liza Darroch 27.21

9 Rachel Jones 29.50

10 Louise Abbott 31.12


1 Kate Sackett 85.38%

2 Liza Darroch 85.11%

3 Ian Barrett 79.51%

4 Gordon Jones 73.69%

5 Rupert Chesmore 67.58%

6 Rachel Jones 66.24%

7 Rachel Barrow 65.91%

8 Andy Kilby 65.25%

9 Louise Abbott 63.34%

10 Martin Croucher 50.85%


To work out the handicap score, your original 5k run during the week ending the 26th April has been used. Your original time divided by your new time has produced a percentage. Any percentage higher than 100, means you have run quicker this week. For people whom this run is their first 5k performance, I have simply given them 100.

1 Gordon Jones 106.41

2 Ian Barrett 106.11

3 Andy Kilby 102.57

4 Louise Abbott 102.41

5 Liza Darroch 100.19

6 Kate Sackett 100.08

7= Rupert Chesmore 100

7= Rachel Jones 100

9 Rachel Barrow 98.09

10 Martin Croucher 94.63


Brian Harris 19.12

Dorian Matts 19.53

Ruth Fulford 25.59

Paul Barrow 28.37

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