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Club training sessions

Hi, there are no training sessions until the New Year. In the meantime, if you want to keep some speed endurance exercise in your running plan, here's a couple of sessions :

Tempo Run

A twenty minute run at a fraction slower than your 10k pace, i.e. "comfortably hard". You can extend it in distance, allowing a 3% reduction in pace for doubling the distance. You can also break it down into smaller chunks with a minute's rest and run it at 5k pace. The Tempo Run is the run "that keeps giving".

NB Make sure you warm up properly, i.e. at least 10 minutes, and include some mobility drills.

Acceleration Run

Typically, run around a loop repeatedly gradually increasing the pace for each lap from easy to fast. The increases in pace should be regular, i.e. not 4 laps of gradually increasing paced jogging and then a sprint; using pace for say half marathon, 10k, 5k, 3k, one mile races, depending on the length. Usual to run about 1 to 2k per "lap" and four or five laps. If done properly, first lap can be the warm up.

With all these runs, focus on head up, relaxed shoulders and light fast feet, like Howard here, although he's got heavy mud shoes to contend with!

Have a good time trying out these runs and see you in the New Year.

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