When can I find the maps?
The routes aren't marked so you need to follow the map or GPX (details of how to add GPXs to Garmin watches can be found here - https://www.wareable.com/garmin/how-to-add-gpx-routes-to-your-garmin-gps-watch-4470
When can I run it?
Anytime during the specified week
How many times can I run it?
As many as you wish (best time counts)
Can I run it with someones else?
Yes (but please be Covid safe)
Where do I send my results?
Cirenacresults@gmail.com (preferably track your results via a Garmin/Strava type app
Is there a Strava group?
Social Distancing
Please observe all the current social distancing government recommendations. For the latest details on social distancing in the great outdoors see gov link - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-on-accessing-green-spaces-safely
We recommend you choose an off-peak day (if possible) and time to run as this will mean fewer people to come in contact with and lower your chances of having to run through the heat of the day. Please remember if you approach people at speed from behind to give ample warning and give wide/courteous space when passing. Gates and stiles can be potential sources of hand infection so if possible try to use no-touch techniques and consider hand sanitiser before and after the run.